Bruno Generators Group S.p.A. takes a majority stake on Powertronix S.r.l.
Milano, June 6th 2023 – Bruno Generators Group S.p.A. (“BGG”), one of the major world player in manufacturing and distribution of premium industrial gensets and lighting towers for the industry and for the rental business takes a majority stake of Powertronix, a well-established Italian Company with over 37 years of experience in the development, manufacturing and global distribution of high performance Uninterruptible Power Supply Systems (UPS) as well as of super-efficient Storage Systems.
Powertronix Company philosophy and mission is extremely sharp: developing and globally distributing a range of high performing products which, in full conformity to all the international applicable norms, should always represent for its customers the very ultimate, competitive and 360 degrees sustainable tech solution over the business cycle.
All Powertronix products are unique in terms of safety; they are very compact, extremely flexible, and highly efficient.
Powertronix manufacturing system is structured in compliance with rigorous quality standards, and it’s optimised to secure a high efficiency of the production processes.
Thanks to the acquisition of 70% in Powertronix, BGG will expand its product portfolio within both the UPS segment as well as in the development of hybrid systems which incorporate inverters as core components.
Following on this acquisition, Mr. Andrea Modenesi, former Sole Director of Powertronix, will remain as CEO of the Company.